Some figures on vascular brain disease

Our vision

The Vascular Brain Health Institute (VBHI) is a joint-venture between the University of Bordeaux (UB), Bordeaux University Hospital (CHUBDX), the national institutes for medical and digital science research (INSERM, INRIA), and the New Aquitaine region, aiming to create a Center of Excellence on Vascular Brain Health.

It will establish an entirely novel paradigm to prevent stroke and dementia, two leading causes of death and disability worldwide, by taking a precision population health approach and leading an emerging global dynamic geared towards both innovation and inclusion.

The transformative potential of the VBHI will encompass both biotechnologies and practices. The Institute is designed from inception to be embedded within a global network encompassing its partners in the Global South, especially in Africa, to maximize scientific progress and to benefit the most underserved populations worldwide.

Our missions

The VBHI will create an environment of excellence for research, care, training, technological innovation, and global outreach on vascular brain disease and pursue the following missions :

The Institute

The VBHI consortium gathers internationally recognized research teams and clinical partners from academic institutions, with complementary expertise, French SMEs and international companies. We build on expertise from >110 researchers in core VBHI research units (VBHI-kernel) and >30 researchers in extended VBHI research units in Bordeaux, Limoges and Paris (extended-VBHI).